Faith Walk
If we want to be like Him, we need to know Him.
...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
-Colossians 3:10




What is it?
We are ALL made in God's image.
Stop and think about that. God created us to be like him. Just as God is three in one, we were designed in His image. Every single person was created with a spiritual part, a physical part, and a mental part. Living Your Best Life requires that all three parts are healthy.
We are saved by grace through faith. We are changed in a moment; but growth takes time and dedication. God tells us that we must "labor to enter into his rest".
Have you found yourself in a place where you want to grow? You want to know God deeply, but you just don't know where to begin?
If the answer is yes, then we invite you to join us on an 11-month journey to study who God is, how he made us, and apply this knowledge to our everyday life.
But health takes knowledge, discipline and intentionality.
That's where Your Best Life comes in
How does it work?
Each month, you will receive a package; ready for you at Park Valley Church. Your box will include materials designed by Park Valley Pastors and staff, to study and practice an aspect of God's character. Some months will require active participation and others will encourage you to be mindful throughout your day of what you are learning.
You may choose to participate on your own, as a family, with your connect group, or even as a part of the Your Best Life Facebook group.

What's in a box?
Study Materiasl: 4 weekly devotionals, daily scripture reading, and prompt questions.
Tools: Physical tools designed to help you apply what you are learning.
Additional Reading: An additional book written by an expert on the monthly topic so that you can dig deeper.
Access: Joining will provide you acces to our community Facebook page where we will gather together online (and occasionally in person) to discuss what we are learning.
3 Subjects. 11 Topics.
Hear from our experts...
